

Miss Shayna

MISS SHAYNA has been dancing for almost 10 years at All For Dance and assisting for 5 years where she has learned so much from the teachers and other dancers. Miss Shayna graduated from All For Dance in 2022 and continued teaching drop in classes at multiple studios near by. Miss Shayna is currently working towards getting her Associate in Fine Arts in Dance at MCCC and is also Dance Captain for the Theatre Dance program there. After completing one more year at MCCC, Miss Shayna hopes to transfer to Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts to continue her education in dance. When Miss Shayna is not working hard in the studio, she loves to spend her time with family and friends, going to Starbucks, the beach and traveling. This is Miss Shayna’s first year teaching at All For Dance, she is beyond grateful for this opportunity and can not wait to begin this journey with the students and staff!